Installing Linux 9.2 on a Virtual Box Machine

Red Hat does provide a program called the Red Hat Developer Program, which offers a no-cost subscription for development purposes. This subscription provides access to RHEL and other Red Hat software for development and testing purposes only. It does not include support or entitlements for production use.

We have already created a virtual machine. If you'd like to learn how to create a virtual machine for Linux installation, please refer to this (Installing Oracle Virtual Box on Windows and Creating a Virtual Machine) article Intalling Linux on VM - linux-1
Upload the ISO image file : Go to Settings->Storage->Controller IDE->Click on Disk icon->Choose a disk file..
Intalling Linux on VM - Choose a disk file
Click on 'OK,' and you should now see that the ISO image is mounted.
Intalling Linux on VM - ISO image is mounted

Click on Network - Adapter 1: Enable Network Adapter (checked), Attached to: NAT Intalling Linux on VM - Network NAT

Click on Network - Adapter 2: Enable Network Adapter (checked), Attached to: Host-only Adapter Intalling Linux on VM - Network Host-only Adapter
Start the Virtual Machine by right-clicking on Machine and selecting Start -> Normal Start Intalling Linux on VM - Startup
The following image will appear as a prompt:
Please press the "Enter" key. Intalling Linux on VM - Prompt
The installation process has begun. Intalling Linux on VM - Installation
Please select your preferred language and click on continue Intalling Linux on VM - Select language

Scroll down and locate the option for "Root Password". Click on it to proceed. Intalling Linux on VM - Root Password

Set the root password and Click "Done" to proceed. Intalling Linux on VM - Confirmation
Locate the options for the installation destination and select an automatic storage configuration
Click "Done" to proceed.
When performing custom partitioning during the installation of RHEL 9.2, the specific partitions you need to create may vary depending on your system requirements and preferences. However, here are some common partitions you might consider creating:

Root (/) partition: This partition serves as the root file system and holds the core operating system files. It is typically assigned a significant amount of disk space.
Swap partition: A swap partition is used as virtual memory when the system's physical memory (RAM) is fully utilized. It is recommended to allocate swap space based on your system's RAM size (e.g., 1.5x or 2x the RAM).
/home partition: The /home partition is where the user's home directory and personal files are stored. It can be helpful for separating user data from system files.
/boot partition: A separate /boot partition is optional but can be useful for situations such as encryption or when using specific boot loaders. It stores the kernel and boot-related files.
Other custom partitions: Depending on your specific needs, you may create additional partitions such as /var, /tmp, or /usr. These partitions can help manage disk space allocation and separate certain system directories.
It's essential to carefully plan your partition layout based on your intended usage and requirements. It is recommended to consult official documentation or seek expert advice for detailed guidance on custom partitioning during the RHEL 9.2 installation. Intalling Linux on VM - Storage Configuration
Click on Begin Installation to proceed. Intalling Linux on VM - Begin Installation
Intalling Linux on VM - Progress
The installation is now complete. Please click on the "Reboot system" button to restart your system. Intalling Linux on VM - Reboot System
After the system restarts, you may be prompted to set up a user account other than root. Please follow the instructions displayed on the screen to proceed further.
The system is now ready for use. Intalling Linux on VM - System is ready

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Last updated in July, 2024

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