ORA-00902: Invalid Datatype Error in Oracle


The ORA-00902: Invalid Datatype error in Oracle occurs when an unrecognized or unsupported datatype is used in a SQL statement. This error can disrupt database operations, making it essential to understand its causes and how to resolve it effectively.

Causes of ORA-00902

The ORA-00902: Invalid Datatype error typically arises in the following situations:

  • Using a non-existent or unsupported datatype in Oracle.
  • Applying a valid datatype in an incorrect context.
  • Typographical errors in the datatype declaration.
  • Improperly defined custom datatypes.

Understanding these causes is the first step in troubleshooting the ORA-00902 error.

How to Fix ORA-00902

Here are the steps to resolve the ORA-00902: Invalid Datatype error:

1. Verify Datatype Validity

Ensure that the datatype is valid and supported by Oracle. For example, VARCHAR2 is the correct datatype for variable-length strings:

CREATE TABLE employees (
    employee_id NUMBER,
    employee_name VARCHAR2(100)

Using valid datatypes like VARCHAR2 ensures compatibility with Oracle.

2. Correct Typographical Errors

Check for typos in your SQL statement. For instance, mistyping VARCHAR instead of VARCHAR2 can cause the ORA-00902 error:

-- Incorrect
CREATE TABLE employees (
    employee_id NUMBER,
    employee_name VARCHAR(100)  -- This might cause ORA-00902 error

Correcting such errors can prevent the issue from arising.

3. Review Custom Datatypes

If using custom datatypes, ensure they are properly defined and accessible. For example:

    street  VARCHAR2(100),
    city    VARCHAR2(50),
    zip_code NUMBER

Failure to define or access custom types correctly can trigger the ORA-00902 error.

4. Check Context-Specific Usage

Ensure that datatypes are used in appropriate contexts. For example, using a character datatype in a mathematical operation is incorrect:

-- Incorrect usage
SELECT employee_id + employee_name
FROM employees;

Make sure operations involve compatible types to avoid errors.

5. Examples of Common ORA-00902 Errors

Here are some examples of how the ORA-00902 error might manifest and how to fix them:

Example 1: Incorrect Datatype

-- Incorrect datatype used
CREATE TABLE departments (
    department_id IDENTITY(1,1), -- This will trigger ORA-00902
    department_name VARCHAR2(50)

Solution: Replace IDENTITY with a valid datatype:

CREATE TABLE departments (
    department_id NUMBER(10),
    department_name VARCHAR2(50)

Example 2: Typographical Error

-- Typo in datatype
CREATE TABLE employees (
    employee_id NUMER, -- Typo here will trigger ORA-00902
    employee_name VARCHAR2(100)

Solution: Correct the typo to NUMBER:

CREATE TABLE employees (
    employee_id NUMBER,
    employee_name VARCHAR2(100)


The ORA-00902: Invalid Datatype error in Oracle, though frustrating, is often easy to fix once you understand the underlying cause. By carefully reviewing your SQL statements, correcting any typographical errors, and ensuring custom datatypes are properly defined, you can prevent this error and maintain smooth database operations.

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Last updated in July, 2024

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