ORA-01858: Could Not Find Date Format Error


The ORA-01858: Could Not Find Date Format Error is one of those Oracle errors that can catch you off guard. The error message typically reads, "ORA-01858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected." This occurs when Oracle attempts to convert a string into a date but encounters unexpected characters in the input string. Resolving this error involves understanding the underlying causes and applying the correct formatting to your date conversions.

Causes of ORA-01858

The ORA-01858 error is commonly caused by the following:

  • Incorrect Date Formats: If you are trying to convert a string to a date using a specific format, and the string does not match the expected format, this error will occur.
  • Non-Numeric Characters: When Oracle expects numeric characters in the date string but finds letters or symbols instead.
  • String Length Issues: If the length of the input string does not match the expected length of the date format.

How to Fix ORA-01858

To resolve the ORA-01858 error, you need to ensure that the string you are trying to convert matches the date format you have specified. Below are a few steps to help you fix this error:

1. Check Your Date Format

Ensure that the date format in your SQL query matches the format of the date string you are trying to convert. For example, if your date is in the format 'DD-MM-YYYY', your query should reflect this:

        -- Correct Date Format
        TO_DATE('25-12-2023', 'DD-MM-YYYY')

2. Verify the String Content

Check that the string contains only numeric characters where expected. If non-numeric characters are present where Oracle expects a numeric value, the ORA-01858 error will occur.

        -- Incorrect Date String
        TO_DATE('25-DEC-2023', 'DD-MM-YYYY')
        -- Correct Date String
        TO_DATE('25-12-2023', 'DD-MM-YYYY')

3. Use TRIM or SUBSTR Functions

If the string contains unwanted spaces or characters, you can use Oracle functions like TRIM or SUBSTR to clean the string before converting it to a date:

        -- Using TRIM to Remove Unwanted Spaces
        TO_DATE(TRIM(' 25-12-2023 '), 'DD-MM-YYYY')


Here are some examples demonstrating how the ORA-01858 error occurs and how to resolve it:

Example 1: Mismatched Date Format

        -- Incorrect SQL statement
        SELECT TO_DATE('2023/12/25', 'DD-MM-YYYY') FROM dual;

This will cause the ORA-01858 error because the format string does not match the date string. To fix it:

        -- Correct SQL statement
        SELECT TO_DATE('25-12-2023', 'DD-MM-YYYY') FROM dual;

Example 2: Non-Numeric Characters in Date String

        -- Incorrect SQL statement
        SELECT TO_DATE('25-DEC-2023', 'DD-MM-YYYY') FROM dual;

This will also cause the ORA-01858 error. To fix it, either adjust the format or correct the string:

        -- Correct SQL statement
        SELECT TO_DATE('25-12-2023', 'DD-MM-YYYY') FROM dual;


The ORA-01858: Could Not Find Date Format Error in Oracle can be a frustrating issue, but by carefully checking your date strings and ensuring they match the expected formats, you can easily resolve it. Understanding the causes and solutions outlined in this article will help you prevent this error in your SQL queries, ensuring smoother and more efficient database operations.

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Last updated in December, 2024

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