How to identify table name for LOB segments in Oracle?

To identify the table name based on a LOB (Large Object) segment name in Oracle, you can use the following SQL query:

select owner, table_name, column_name from all_lobs where segment_name = 'LOB_SEGMENT_NAME';
#Replace LOB_SEGMENT_NAME with the actual name of the LOB segment you want to search for.

column owner format a10;
column table_name format a20;
column column_name format a20;
select owner, table_name, column_name from all_lobs where segment_name = 'SYS_LOB0000110089C00092$$';

---------- -------------------- --------------------
db_user     OLDB_TAB             EXT_DATA

The query will retrieve the owner, table name, and column name associated with the specified LOB segment.

Note that this query retrieves information from the ALL_LOBS view, which contains information about all LOB columns in the database accessible to the current user. If you have restricted privileges, you may need to use a different view or consult your database administrator for access to the necessary data dictionary views.

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