Oracle 23c New Features

Enhanced Security Features
Performance Optimization
Cloud Integration
Data Governance and Compliance
Advanced Analytics and Machine Learning
Autonomous Database Enhancements
Scalability and High Availability
Data Integration and ETL
Database Administration and Management
Advanced Data Types and Structures
DevOps and CI/CD Integration
Real-Time Data Streaming
Big Data Integration
Native Blockchain Support
Chatbots and Conversational AI
Data Visualization and Reporting
Integration with IoT and Edge Computing


Get ready to be amazed, as Oracle Database 23c emerges as the latest masterpiece from Oracle's innovation hub. Brace yourself for a wave of new and exhilarating features that are set to redefine the very essence of database management and performance.
Staying updated with the latest Oracle 23c database features is crucial for businesses to maintain a competitive edge in today's fast-paced digital landscape.

Enhanced Security Features

In Oracle 23c, advanced security measures have been implemented to provide organizations with robust protection against modern threats. Some key enhancements include:
  • Authentication and access control improvements: Oracle 23c introduces advanced authentication mechanisms and access control models, ensuring that only authorized users can access the database.

  • Data redaction and sensitive data protection enhancements: With Oracle 23c, organizations can redact sensitive data to comply with privacy regulations and protect valuable information from unauthorized access.

  • Strengthening of encryption and audit capabilities: Oracle 23c enhances encryption techniques to safeguard data both at rest and in transit. Additionally, improved audit capabilities enable organizations to monitor and trace any suspicious activities within the database.

Performance Optimization

Oracle 23c new features bring significant performance improvements that optimize database operations and boost overall system efficiency. Some notable enhancements in this area include:
  • Database and query optimization enhancements: Oracle 23c incorporates advanced algorithms and techniques to optimize database structures and query execution, resulting in faster and more efficient data retrieval.

  • Real-time statistics and adaptive execution plans: By leveraging real-time statistics, Oracle 23c automatically adjusts execution plans to adapt to changing data patterns, ensuring optimal query performance.

  • Accelerated in-memory processing and caching capabilities: Oracle 23c introduces enhanced in-memory processing and caching techniques, enabling faster data access and reducing latency for critical applications.

Cloud Integration

Oracle 23c seamlessly integrates with the Oracle Cloud, providing organizations with enhanced flexibility and scalability. Key features in this area include:
  • Seamless migration and integrations with the Oracle Cloud: Organizations can easily migrate their databases to the Oracle Cloud and take advantage of various cloud-based services while maintaining high levels of performance and security.

  • Multi-cloud support and data replication enhancements: Oracle 23c offers support for multi-cloud environments, allowing businesses to leverage the benefits of different cloud providers. Additionally, data replication enhancements ensure data consistency and reliability across multiple cloud instances.

  • Backup and recovery options in the cloud environment: With Oracle 23c, organizations can leverage efficient backup and recovery options tailored for the cloud, ensuring data integrity and minimizing downtime.

Data Governance and Compliance

Oracle 23c introduces robust data governance features, enabling organizations to effectively manage and secure their data while complying with regulatory requirements. Key enhancements in this area include:
  • Data lifecycle management enhancements: Oracle 23c provides advanced tools for managing data throughout its lifecycle, offering features such as data archiving, retrieval, and deletion based on predefined policies.

  • Compliance with regulatory requirements (e.g., GDPR): Oracle 23c incorporates features that help organizations comply with various regulatory frameworks, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), by providing built-in mechanisms for data protection and privacy.

  • Data masking and anonymization improvements: Oracle 23c enhances data masking and anonymization techniques, allowing organizations to protect sensitive information while still retaining its usability for testing or analytical purposes.

Advanced Analytics and Machine Learning

Oracle 23c new features empower organizations with advanced analytics capabilities, enabling them to gain valuable insights from their data. Key features in this area include:
  • Native support for machine learning algorithms: Oracle 23c integrates machine learning algorithms directly into the database, simplifying the process of building and deploying machine learning models for predictive analytics.

  • Automated machine learning workflows: By automating various stages of the machine learning workflow, Oracle 23c enables organizations to accelerate model development and deployment, ensuring faster time-to-insight.

  • Integration with Oracle Machine Learning and Oracle Analytics Cloud: Oracle 23c seamlessly integrates with Oracle Machine Learning and Oracle Analytics Cloud, providing a comprehensive and centralized platform for analytics and business intelligence.

Autonomous Database Enhancements

Oracle 23c brings advancements in autonomous databases, reducing manual administration efforts and maximizing performance. Key enhancements in this area include:
  • Autonomous transactions and data replication: Oracle 23c introduces autonomous transaction processing, allowing organizations to automate repetitive tasks and achieve higher levels of efficiency. Data replication enhancements ensure data consistency across distributed systems.

  • Self-tuning and automatic indexing improvements: Oracle 23c incorporates self-tuning capabilities that continuously monitor and optimize database performance without manual intervention. Automatic indexing enables efficient query execution by dynamically creating indexes based on workload patterns.

  • Continuous database optimization and performance monitoring: With Oracle 23c, databases can be continuously optimized and monitored, ensuring consistent performance and proactive identification of potential issues.

Scalability and High Availability

Oracle 23c new features offer enhanced scalability features, enabling organizations to accommodate growing data volumes and ensure high availability. Key enhancements in this area include:
  • Sharding enhancements for improved scalability: Oracle 23c introduces enhancements to sharding, allowing organizations to distribute data across multiple database instances to achieve horizontal scalability and handle increased workloads.

  • High availability improvements for fault-tolerant systems: Oracle 23c enhances high availability features, ensuring that critical systems remain operational even in the event of hardware or software failures.

  • Load balancing and efficient resource utilization updates: With Oracle 23c, organizations can efficiently balance workloads across database instances, optimizing resource utilization and providing consistent performance for end-users.

Data Integration and ETL

Oracle 23c new features offer powerful data integration capabilities, simplifying the process of extracting, transforming, and loading data. Key features in this area include:
  • Enhanced Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) processes: Oracle 23c introduces improvements to ETL processes, enabling organizations to efficiently extract data from various sources, transform it as per business requirements, and load it into the target database.

  • Integration with Oracle Data Integrator: Oracle 23c seamlessly integrates with Oracle Data Integrator, providing a comprehensive platform for data integration, data quality, and data governance.

  • Real-time data synchronization enhancements: Oracle 23c enables real-time data synchronization between different databases, ensuring that changes made in one database are reflected in others without delays.

Database Administration and Management

Oracle 23c simplifies database administration tasks and provides advanced management capabilities. Key features in this area include:
  • Simplified management workflows and UI enhancements: Oracle 23c streamlines database management workflows and enhances the user interface, making it easier for administrators to perform routine tasks and access critical information.

  • Advanced diagnostics and troubleshooting capabilities: With Oracle 23c, administrators have access to advanced diagnostics and troubleshooting tools, enabling them to quickly identify and resolve performance or system issues.

  • Database configuration and parameter improvements: Oracle 23c introduces enhancements to database configuration and parameter settings, allowing administrators to fine-tune database performance based on specific workload requirements.

Advanced Data Types and Structures

Oracle 23c new features introduce support for advanced data types, expanding the capabilities of the database. Key enhancements in this area include:
  • Native support for spatial and graph data: Oracle 23c empowers organizations to store and process spatial and graph data directly within the database, making it easier to perform complex spatial and network analyses.

  • JSON, XML, and geospatial data enhancements: With Oracle 23c, organizations can leverage improved capabilities for handling JSON, XML, and geospatial data, enabling seamless integration with modern applications and data formats.

  • Custom data types and collection improvements: Oracle 23c allows organizations to define custom data types and collections, providing greater flexibility in representing complex data structures and enhancing application development.

DevOps and CI/CD Integration

Oracle 23c new features offer robust DevOps capabilities, enabling organizations to streamline the software development lifecycle. Key features in this area include:
  • Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) enhancements: Oracle 23c integrates with popular DevOps tools such as Jenkins and Git, facilitating seamless integration and automation of CI/CD pipelines for database deployments.

  • Database provisioning and automated deployments: Oracle 23c simplifies database provisioning and automates the deployment process, allowing organizations to rapidly spin up database instances and roll out changes with ease.

Real-Time Data Streaming

Oracle 23c introduces real-time data streaming capabilities, enabling organizations to process and analyze streaming data in real time. Key features in this area include:
  • Streamlined integration with Oracle Streaming: Oracle 23c seamlessly integrates with Oracle Streaming, providing a scalable and reliable platform for ingesting, processing, and reacting to real-time data streams.

  • Improved event processing and analytics: With Oracle 23c, organizations can efficiently process and analyze events as they happen, enabling real-time decision-making and event-driven applications.

Big Data Integration

Oracle 23c seamlessly integrates with big data platforms, providing organizations with a unified platform for managing and processing diverse data types. Key features in this area include:
  • Hadoop and Spark connectivity improvements: Oracle 23c enhances connectivity with popular big data platforms such as Hadoop and Spark, enabling seamless data exchange and processing.

  • Polyglot persistence and data lake flexibility: With Oracle 23c, organizations can leverage polyglot persistence, storing data in multiple formats and structures, and seamlessly integrate with data lakes for scalable and flexible data management.

Native Blockchain Support

Oracle 23c new features introduce native support for blockchain, empowering organizations to leverage the benefits of distributed ledger technology. Key features in this area include:
  • Blockchain database integration and management: Oracle 23c provides built-in tools and capabilities for integrating blockchain networks with traditional databases, enabling secure and efficient data sharing across blockchain networks.

  • Smart contracts and decentralized application development: With Oracle 23c, organizations can develop and deploy smart contracts, enabling secure and automated execution of business processes within blockchain networks. Additionally, Oracle 23c supports the development of decentralized applications.

Chatbots and Conversational AI

Oracle 23c offers powerful features for chatbot development and conversational AI. Key features in this area include:
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP) enhancements: Oracle 23c incorporates advanced NLP capabilities, enabling chatbots to understand and respond intelligently to user queries in a conversational manner.

  • Integration with Oracle Digital Assistant: Oracle 23c seamlessly integrates with Oracle Digital Assistant, empowering organizations to develop and deploy chatbots across various channels and applications.

  • Voice-activated chatbot capabilities: With Oracle 23c, organizations can create voice-activated chatbots, enabling users to interact with the system using voice commands and natural language.

Data Visualization and Reporting

Oracle 23c offers robust data visualization capabilities for presenting insights in a compelling and intuitive manner. Key features in this area include:
  • Integration with Oracle Analytics Cloud: Oracle 23c seamlessly integrates with Oracle Analytics Cloud, providing organizations with powerful tools for visualizing and analyzing data.

  • Enhanced reporting and dashboarding options: Oracle 23c introduces improvements to reporting and dashboarding features, enabling organizations to create dynamic and interactive visualizations for effective data storytelling.

Integration with IoT and Edge Computing

Oracle 23c new features provide seamless integration with IoT and edge computing platforms, enabling organizations to leverage IoT data for real-time insights. Key features in this area include:
  • Edge computing and real-time sensor data processing: Oracle 23c enables organizations to process sensor data in real-time at the edge, reducing latency and enabling faster decision-making.

  • Anomaly detection and predictive maintenance improvements: With Oracle 23c, organizations can leverage advanced analytics capabilities to detect anomalies in IoT data and proactively perform predictive maintenance, ensuring optimal performance and minimizing downtime.


Oracle 23c brings a wide range of features and improvements that revolutionize database management and performance. From enhanced security and performance optimization to cloud integration and advanced analytics, Oracle 23c empowers organizations to maximize the value of their data while ensuring scalability, high availability, and compliance with regulatory requirements.

If you want to learn how to install the Oracle 23c database on Linux, then follow this article Oracle database 23c rpm Installation on Linux Step-by-Step

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is Oracle 23c?

Oracle 23c is the latest release of Oracle Database, offering a suite of new features and enhancements to improve database management and performance.

How does Oracle 23c enhance security?

Oracle 23c introduces advanced security measures, including authentication and access control improvements, data redaction and sensitive data protection enhancements, and strengthening of encryption and audit capabilities.

What are some performance optimization features in Oracle 23c?

Oracle 23c offers performance optimization features such as database and query optimization enhancements, real-time statistics and adaptive execution plans, and accelerated in-memory processing and caching capabilities.

How does Oracle 23c integrate with the cloud?

Oracle 23c seamlessly integrates with the Oracle Cloud, providing seamless migration and integrations, multi-cloud support, and backup and recovery options in the cloud environment.

How does Oracle 23c support data governance and compliance?

Oracle 23c introduces data governance features such as data lifecycle management enhancements, compliance with regulatory requirements (e.g., GDPR), and data masking and anonymization improvements.

What are the advanced analytics capabilities in Oracle 23c?

Oracle 23c offers native support for machine learning algorithms, automated machine learning workflows, and integration with Oracle Machine Learning and Oracle Analytics Cloud.

How does Oracle 23c enhance autonomous databases?

Oracle 23c introduces advancements in autonomous databases, including autonomous transactions and data replication, self-tuning and automatic indexing improvements, and continuous database optimization and performance monitoring.

What scalability features are available in Oracle 23c?

Oracle 23c provides sharding enhancements for improved scalability, high availability improvements for fault-tolerant systems, and load balancing and efficient resource utilization updates.

How does Oracle 23c support data integration and ETL processes?

Oracle 23c offers enhanced Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) processes, integration with Oracle Data Integrator, and real-time data synchronization enhancements.

What are the database administration and management features in Oracle 23c?

Oracle 23c simplifies database administration with simplified management workflows and UI enhancements, advanced diagnostics and troubleshooting capabilities, and database configuration and parameter improvements.

What advanced data types are supported in Oracle 23c?

Oracle 23c introduces support for advanced data types such as spatial and graph data, JSON, XML, and geospatial data, and custom data types and collection improvements.

How does Oracle 23c integrate with DevOps and CI/CD pipelines?

Oracle 23c enhances DevOps capabilities with CI/CD enhancements, integration with popular DevOps tools such as Jenkins and Git, and support for database provisioning and automated deployments.

What are the real-time data streaming capabilities in Oracle 23c?

Oracle 23c enables real-time data streaming with streamlined integration with Oracle Streaming, improved event processing and analytics, and support for microservices and serverless architecture.

How does Oracle 23c integrate with big data platforms?

Oracle 23c seamlessly integrates with big data platforms such as Hadoop and Spark, offering enhanced connectivity, polyglot persistence, and advanced data processing and ETL capabilities.

Does Oracle 23c support native blockchain integration?

Yes, Oracle 23c provides native support for blockchain, including integration and management of blockchain databases, smart contracts, and cryptocurrency and digital asset management capabilities.

What features does Oracle 23c offer for chatbot development and conversational AI?


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