Understanding and Improving Table and Index Data Density in PostgreSQL

Why Data Density Matters
Improving Data Density


Maintaining optimal data density in your PostgreSQL tables and indexes is crucial for database performance. Over time, as tables and indexes grow and undergo frequent updates and deletions, their data density can decrease, leading to inefficiencies and increased resource consumption.

Why Data Density Matters

Low data density can lead to several problems:

  • Full table or index scans take longer to complete.
  • More space is needed in the buffer cache because pages are cached as a whole, reducing data density.
  • Indexes may acquire additional levels, slowing down index access.
  • Files occupy extra space on disk and in backups.

Routine vacuuming can help free up space but may not always be sufficient. The space reclaimed by vacuuming can only be returned to the operating system if several empty pages appear at the end of the file, which is rare.

Improving Data Density

Create the `pgstattuple` Extension

To start analyzing your table and index data density, create the `pgstattuple` extension:

create extension pgstattuple;

Analyze Table Data Density

Use the following SQL query to get detailed information about the data density of a specific table:

select * from pgstattuple('table_name');

For example, to analyze the `sample_table`:

=> select * from pgstattuple('sample_table') \gx
-[ RECORD 1 ]------+----------
table_len          | 965050368
tuple_count        | 5703312
tuple_len          | 900283576
tuple_percent      | 93.29
dead_tuple_count   | 3
dead_tuple_len     | 201
dead_tuple_percent | 0
free_space         | 4592360
free_percent       | 0.48

Analyze Index Data Density

Similarly, to analyze the data density of an index, use:

select * from pgstatindex('sample_table_idx');

For example, to analyze the `sample_table_idx`:

=> select * from pgstatindex('sample_table_idx') \gx
-[ RECORD 1 ]------+---------
version            | 4
tree_level         | 2
index_size         | 41648128
root_block_no      | 245
internal_pages     | 38
leaf_pages         | 5045
empty_pages        | 0
deleted_pages      | 0
avg_leaf_density   | 90.19
leaf_fragmentation | 0

Rebuilding Tables and Indexes

If you find that your tables or indexes have low data density, you can benefit from a full rebuild using the `VACUUM FULL` command:

VACUUM FULL table_name;

This command will compact the table, removing empty spaces and reducing the number of pages used, thereby improving data density and overall performance.


Here are some practical examples demonstrating how to analyze and improve data density in PostgreSQL.

Example 1: Analyzing a Table

Suppose you have a table named orders. To check its data density, you would run:

select * from pgstattuple('orders');

Example 2: Analyzing an Index

Suppose you have an index on the orders table named orders_idx. To check its data density, you would run:

select * from pgstatindex('orders_idx');

Example 3: Rebuilding a Table

If the data density of the orders table is low, you can rebuild it using:



Ensuring high data density in your PostgreSQL tables and indexes is essential for maintaining optimal performance and efficient use of resources. Regularly analyzing and rebuilding tables and indexes can help prevent performance degradation and reduce storage requirements. By using the pgstattuple and pgstatindex extensions, you can gain valuable insights into the state of your database and take appropriate actions to keep it running smoothly.

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Last updated in December, 2024

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