ORA-00904: Invalid Identifier - Oracle Error Explanation

Causes of ORA-00904
Examples of ORA-00904
Resolving ORA-00904


The ORA-00904: Invalid Identifier error occurs in Oracle databases when an invalid identifier is used in a SQL statement. This error can originates from various issues within the SQL code.

Causes of ORA-00904

1. Typographical Errors: Incorrect spelling or case sensitivity of table names, column names, or aliases.

2. Missing or Renamed Objects: Referencing objects (tables, views, columns) that do not exist in the database.

3. Ambiguous Column Names: Using column names that exist in multiple tables without proper qualification.

4. Reserved Keywords: Using Oracle reserved keywords as identifiers without proper escaping.

5. Incorrect Schema or Owner: Referencing objects in a different schema without qualifying the object name correctly.

Examples of ORA-00904

Example 1: Typographical Error

SELECT employee_name, empolyee_id FROM employees;
-- ORA-00904: "EMPOLYEE_ID": invalid identifier

Here, "empolyee_id " is misspelled as "empolyee_id," causing an ORA-00904 error.

Example 2: Ambiguous Column Name

SELECT id FROM employees JOIN departments USING (id);
-- ORA-00904: "ID": invalid identifier

Here, "id" is ambiguous because it exists in both the "employees" and "departments" tables.

Resolving ORA-00904

To resolve the ORA-00904 error:

1. Check and correct any spelling errors in your SQL statements.

2. Ensure that all referenced objects (tables, columns) exist in the database.

3. Use table aliases or fully qualify column names to avoid ambiguity.

4. Enclose reserved keywords in double quotes if they are used as identifiers.

5. Verify the correct schema or owner of the objects being referenced.


The ORA-00904 error in Oracle databases indicates an issue with the identifier used in SQL statements. By understanding its causes and examples, you can effectively troubleshoot and correct this error, ensuring smoother database operations.

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