Resolving ORA-00907: Missing Right Parenthesis

Understanding the Cause
Step-by-Step Solutions


The ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis error is a common SQL syntax error encountered in Oracle databases. This error occurs when there is a mismatch or omission of parentheses in SQL statements, particularly in CREATE or ALTER TABLE statements, or when specifying function parameters.

Understanding the Cause

The ORA-00907 error is typically caused by:

  • Mismatched Parentheses: When parentheses are not properly paired in SQL statements, Oracle cannot interpret the syntax correctly.
  • Missing Parentheses: Omission of required parentheses around function parameters or subqueries can lead to this error.
  • Incorrect Syntax Usage: Incorrect use of parentheses in SQL syntax, such as in table definitions or nested expressions.

Step-by-Step Solutions

To resolve the ORA-00907 error and ensure correct SQL syntax, follow these steps:

1. Check Parentheses Matching

Ensure that all parentheses in your SQL statement are properly paired and balanced.


CREATE TABLE employees (
    employee_id NUMBER,
    employee_name VARCHAR2(100 -- Missing closing parenthesis
-- Corrected: VARCHAR2(100)

2. Verify Function Parameters

When defining or calling functions, make sure that all function parameters are enclosed in parentheses.


SELECT TO_DATE('2024-07-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD') FROM dual; -- Correct usage of TO_DATE function
SELECT TO_DATE('2024-07-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD FROM dual; -- Missing closing single quote for date format

3. Review Table Definitions

When creating or altering tables, double-check that all column definitions and constraints are correctly enclosed in parentheses.


CREATE TABLE departments (
    department_id NUMBER PRIMARY KEY,
    department_name VARCHAR2(100
-- Missing closing parenthesis for VARCHAR2(100)

4. Use SQL Syntax Validators

Use SQL syntax validators or IDE features to highlight syntax errors and missing parentheses before executing SQL statements.


-- Validate SQL syntax in SQL Developer or similar tools to catch missing parentheses errors before execution.


Consider a scenario where a missing right parenthesis causes the ORA-00907 error:

CREATE TABLE departments (
    department_id NUMBER PRIMARY KEY,
    department_name VARCHAR2(100
-- ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis error due to missing closing parenthesis in VARCHAR2(100).

In this case, correct the SQL statement by adding the missing right parenthesis after VARCHAR2(100) to resolve the error.


The ORA-00907 error in Oracle indicates issues with missing or mismatched parentheses in SQL statements. By following the troubleshooting steps outlined in this guide, you can effectively diagnose and fix this error, ensuring correct SQL syntax and smooth execution of queries in your Oracle database applications.

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